Modern microarchitectures are incredibly complex. A modern x86 processor will be superscalar and use some form of compilation to microcode to do that. Desktop processors will undoubtedly have multiple instruction issues per cycle, forms of register renaming, branch predictors, etc. Minor changes—a misaligned instruction stream, a poor order of instructions, a bad instruction choice—could kill the ability to take advantages of these features. There are very few people who could accurately predict the performance of a given assembly stream (I myself wouldn't attempt it if the architecture can take advantage of ILP), and these people are disproportionately likely to be working on compiler optimizations. So unless you're knowledgeable enough about assembly to help work on a compiler, you probably shouldn't be hand-coding assembly to make code faster.
To give an example to elucidate this point (and the motivation for this blog post in the first place), I was given a link to an implementation of the N-queens problem in assembly. For various reasons, I decided to use this to start building a fine-grained performance measurement system. This system uses a high-resolution monotonic clock on Linux and runs the function 1000 times to warm up caches and counters and then runs the function 1000 more times, measuring each run independently and reporting the average runtime at the end. This is a single execution of the system; 20 executions of the system were used as the baseline for a t-test to determine statistical significance as well as visual estimation of normality of data. Since the runs observed about a constant 1-2 μs of noise, I ran all of my numbers on the 10-queens problem to better separate the data (total runtimes ended up being in the range of 200-300μs at this level). When I say that some versions are faster, the p-values for individual measurements are on the order of 10-20—meaning that there is a 1-in-100,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance that the observed speedups could be produced if the programs take the same amount of time to run.
The initial assembly version of the program took about 288μs to run. The first C++ version I coded, originating from the same genesis algorithm that the author of the assembly version used, ran in 275μs. A recursive program beat out a hand-written assembly block of code... and when I manually converted the recursive program into a single loop, the runtime improved to 249μs. It wasn't until I got rid of all of the assembly in the original code that I could get the program to beat the derecursified code (at 244μs)—so it's not the vectorization that's causing the code to be slow. Intrigued, I started to analyze why the original assembly was so slow.
It turns out that there are three main things that I think cause the slow speed of the original code. The first one is alignment of branches: the assembly code contains no instructions to align basic blocks on particular branches, whereas gcc happily emits these for some basic blocks. I mention this first as it is mere conjecture; I never made an attempt to measure the effects for myself. The other two causes are directly measured from observing runtime changes as I slowly replaced the assembly with code. When I replaced the use of push and pop instructions with a global static array, the runtime improved dramatically. This suggests that the alignment of the stack could be to blame (although the stack is still 8-byte aligned when I checked via gdb), which just goes to show you how much alignments really do matter in code.
The final, and by far most dramatic, effect I saw involves the use of three assembly instructions: bsf (find the index of the lowest bit that is set), btc (clear a specific bit index), and shl (left shift). When I replaced the use of these instructions with a more complicated expression int bit = x & -x and x = x - bit, the program's speed improved dramatically. And the rationale for why the speed improved won't be found in latency tables, although those will tell you that bsf is not a 1-cycle operation. Rather, it's in minutiae that's not immediately obvious.
The original program used the fact that bsf sets the zero flag if the input register is 0 as the condition to do the backtracking; the converted code just checked if the value was 0 (using a simple test instruction). The compare and the jump instructions are basically converted into a single instruction in the processor. In contrast, the bsf does not get to do this; combined with the lower latency of the instruction intrinsically, it means that empty loops take a lot longer to do nothing. The use of an 8-bit shift value is also interesting, as there is a rather severe penalty for using 8-bit registers in Intel processors as far as I can see.
Now, this isn't to say that the compiler will always produce the best code by itself. My final code wasn't above using x86 intrinsics for the vector instructions. Replacing the _mm_andnot_si128 intrinsic with an actual and-not on vectors caused gcc to use other, slower instructions instead of the vmovq to move the result out of the SSE registers for reasons I don't particularly want to track down. The use of the _mm_blend_epi16 and _mm_srli_si128 intrinsics can probably be replaced with __builtin_shuffle instead for more portability, but I was under the misapprehension that this was a clang-only intrinsic when I first played with the code so I never bothered to try that, and this code has passed out of my memory long enough that I don't want to try to mess with it now.
In short, compilers know things about optimizing for modern architectures that many general programmers don't. Compilers may have issues with autovectorization, but the existence of vector intrinsics allow you to force compilers to use vectorization while still giving them leeway to make decisions about instruction scheduling or code alignment which are easy to screw up in hand-written assembly. Also, compilers are liable to get better in the future, whereas hand-written assembly code is unlikely to get faster in the future. So only write assembly code if you really know what you're doing and you know you're better than the compiler.
Thank you - an interesting read! :-)
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